Term Extraction in PHP
The new version of the term extraction tool on fivefilters.org is now in PHP.
For anyone looking for a simple way to carry out term extraction on English text using PHP, here’s a snippet using the PHP port of Topia’s Term Extractor:
require 'TermExtractor/TermExtractor.php';
$text = 'Politics is the shadow cast on society by big business';
$extractor = new TermExtractor();
$terms = $extractor->extract($text);
// We're outputting results in plain text...
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
// Loop through extracted terms and print each term on a new line
foreach ($terms as $term_info) {
// index 0: term
// index 1: number of occurrences in text
// index 2: word count
list($term, $occurrence, $word_count) = $term_info;
echo "$term\n";