Notes from SIDeR
This is mostly for myself – posting links to books and study programmes people mentioned/recommended during the SIDeR conference.
Books and Papers
Bødker, S., Ehn, P., Kammersgaard, J., Kyng, M., & Sundblad, Y. (1987). A Utopian experience: In G. Bjerknes, P. Ehn, & M. Kyng. (Eds.), Computers and democracy: A Scandinavian challenge (pp. 251–278). Aldershot, UK: Avebury
The Design Way by Erik Stolterman – Chapter called “Being in Service”
Six decades – and six different roles for the industrial designer by Anna Valtonen (rector at Umeå Institute of Design)
Sketching the user experience by bill Buxton – first part of the book.
Design Activism by Fuad-Luke
Design Programmes
Man and Humanity at the Design Academy Eindhoven (flash site with no deep linking – go to ‘master programmes’). Description of programmes also availabe in PDF.
Konstfack (design school in Stockholm)
If I’ve missed anything, or if there’s anything else that might be interesting to look into, please leave a comment.