Gaza Protests
There’s a demonstration for Gaza in London this Saturday (24 January 2009). It will be starting at 2pm outside BBC Broadcasting House to protest the BBC’s one-sided coverage (and now its refusal to show the DEC Gaza appeal).
Here in Gothenburg, Sweden, there will be a demonstration starting in Götaplatsen at 2pm and marching to Gustav Adolf Torg at 2.30pm.
UK Indymedia is reporting on university occupations happening around the UK, the latest one in Oxford…
Following the occupations at SOAS, LSE, King’s College, Essex, Sussex and Birmingham universities, over 80 Oxford University students have occupied the historic Bodleian building to demand that the university releases a statement condemning the attack on Gaza and cancel the lecture series at Balliol College inaugurated by Israeli war criminal Shimon Peres.
You can see photos and read more here: Oxford Occupation in Solidarity with Gaza!
Update (2009-03-17): has lots of information on UK university occupations that have taken place.